Sep 22, 2009

Game Card Info

Hey everyone, we have great news for you! It will now be a lot easier to get premium membership for Fantage. We know lots of you want to be premium members, but your parents just won’t give in. Well we now have a new way to pay without a credit card! Its called the “Ultimate Game Card”. Basically, its a card you buy at a store and use it to pay for Fantage. You can pick up these cards are stores like 7-Eleven, Walmart, Blockbuster, Rite Aid, and more! If you don’t have one of those stores near you, you can still pay by money order, which you can get from your local post office.

Here is what it looks like so you know you grab the right one. You will most likely have to ask the cashier for them, they probably won’t be on display.

If you have any questions about the “Ultimate Game Card” feel free to ask it here!

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